Friday, December 11, 2009

Pa, Gay Cruising Can't Get A Girl Friend Because My Pa Is Gay?

Can't get a Girl friend because my Pa is gay? - pa, gay cruising

My father died and left me with his compatriot Pennsylvania love it so much I loved my father. For me they are gay harassment, bullying worse than my dad = (So died, before cities and schools will be opened this school and spent luckily the guy to whom I agreed that gay parents. But there is always that girl and I truly accepted into the conversation that day and began to write. A few months back, I asked myself, who knew my father. It would be good. But after a whole school to stop me and began to whisper to his companion. Now I'm like your enemy number 1.

Why ????? I do not know what it takes?

Please help?

(If you or a homosexual, and not my fault)


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